Thursday, March 26, 2020

Why the name Amber?

The history of Amber Stone
Amber’s Names Throughout History. The origin of the stone’s name is the Arabic word “anbar”, adopted in Middle Latin as “ambar”, and then in Middle French as “ambre”.
Known as a healing stone associated with the Sun, Amber also holds the classical name of “electrum.” The word derives from “elektor” which means “beaming Sun”.
Amber Stone Meaning, History and Symbolic Value
Is Amber a stone? Technically, the gem is improperly called that way as it is a fossil resin. The insertions of insects and plants you often observe in amber stones are because they exuded from ancient coniferous trees.
The characteristic color of amber is that warm golden to brown yellow, but the stone actually comes in various shades from green to a reddish orange and dark brown. Occasionally, you may see whitish, bluish, and even blackish exemplars.
Amber: Legends and Lore
What is the meaning of Amber stones in ancient lore? Ancient Greek legends say that the God of Sun changed the Heliades into trees for helping Phateon, their brother, to drive his Gold Chariot without permission. Their tears are said to have transformed into little drops of amber as they fell from the branches and met Sun’s heat.
Celtic Amber jewelry was discovered in forms of amulets. They believed the stones would restore their strength and vitality. Other Anglo-Saxon legends talk about the use of amber to facilitate clarity of vision> Wearing an Amber necklace would make people speak truthfully.
Amber stones were also highly valued by Egyptians 3,200 years before Christ. Romans, too, prized the gemstone so much that they requested to be paid in Amber during the time of Caesar.
Final Thoughts on the History, Value, and Meaning of Amber Stone
Amber’s beauty is millions of years in the making and its crystal healing properties are proven and tested since ancient times. Having said that, amber is truly one of the most precious stones one can acquire–a crystal of high value, rich history, and impressive healing powers.
Ambers Eyes are Amber.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

To Make America Great Again means

(Make America Great Again)
Take America back to 1880 Again?
 If you still doubt the real 'locked door meaning'
of what
'Make America Great Again',
Really means,
 you need to pay a lot more attention 
to our news media (the real news media),
on this CONVIN-19!
To Make America Great Again means
to bring back a strong economy, to be pro-business,
to make better trade deals with other countries,
to bring back jobs and better real wages,
to resuscitate manufacturing.
It means to lower taxes on individuals
and bring corporate taxes more in line with
countries we compete against in the global economy.
what does
‘Make America Great Again’ mean to the trump political party?
Take America back to the good old boys days!
In the 1880 through the 1930’s and even into the 1950’s,
America had a one party form of government in the coal industry!
Big Business owned everything
its workers worked for just enough to ‘sort of get by’,
then workers had to shop at that ‘Big Business Store’
at that store pricing!
The first recorded discovery of coal in this country was by
French explorers on the Illinois River in 1679,
and the earliest recorded commercial mining occurred near Richmond, Virginia, in 1748.
On April 13, 1750, Dr. Thomas Walker was the first recorded person to discover and use coal in Kentucky.
However; the first strong union was not until the 1930’s.

Minya, Egypt

Welcome Minya, Egypt to all of my blogs and for some time now?
I wish to thank you and all of our followers for your patience for the last few days!
This home has been turned upside down lately;
you should know that we as do you know that our Creator
always wins in the end
we are counting the blessings learned each time!

Love and blessings from

Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan

Friday, March 13, 2020

‘Test kits will go out “Very Shortly”

Dr. Anthony Fauci Director National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 
said today noon time that

‘Test kits will go out “Very Shortly”!

I say that up until this virus hit the United States, most test kits came from outsourcing,

China, South Korea and Japan and their 
‘Test kits are going for their citizens?

“There’s the rub” 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’
 has dropped the ball 
so to speak and because of this 
American Citizens are dropping like flies on RAID!

May 13, 2018 trump hired -- at ridiculous pay ($375.000.00), 

Robert Redfield,
 a doctor with an ugly track record 
on AIDS 
who is unqualified to lead the agency!

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a new boss, Dr. Robert Redfield, who ignited controversy because of his dubious qualifications for the job and the over-the-top salary offer that came with it. Initially slated to earn $375,000 a year!

(trump is paid $400,000)!

One can bet that the trump government 
trump republicans in congress 
are getting tested!

How about you 
the trump votes, 
are you being tested yet?

Is Bernie trying to play the system?

Bernie Sanders speaks on
Coronavirus Pandemic
today on CNN 03/12/2020
Have you ever seem 
Sanders so humble 
while speaking to the media?
Today he reminds me about the
'New Amsterdam' 
Season 2 Episode 5 
introduces a child psychopath?
She won the game by playing the system, 
and yet she lost her right to freedom!
Is Bernie using his last card trying to play the system?

She screamed, lied and cheated and when all else failed, 
(She Played the System and in the end she lost)!

'New Amsterdam' Season 2 Episode 5
 introduces a child psychopath, 
leaving Iggy and Bloom to make a tough call!

A boy is brought to the hospital by his parents,

and on further consultation with Bloom, 
it becomes clear that his own sister choked him, nearly to death.

The worst part is 
it seems like she 
has no guilt or remorse 
for her actions

Published on : 21:54 PST, Oct 15, 2019


Love and blessings from

Creator to You All

Shechaim Ohjieshan



“Don’t get scared,

It’s your country, take it back”!




“This is our Watch”!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

On CNN Biden’s speech today 03/12/2020

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden
on Thursday called for a sweeping national response
to the coronavirus outbreak and
chided President Donald Trump’s response
Biden Slams Trump's
'Xenophobic' Europe Travel Ban, Says He'll 'Lead With Science'
Mar 12, 2020
On CNN Biden’s speech today 03/12/2020
Relating to or exhibiting fear or hatred of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers.trumps Wall 
Relating to or exhibiting fear or dislike of the customs, dress, etc., 
of people who are culturally different.
In other words (trump republicans)!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Today we buy almost everything from other countries and none of those products are worth their weight in salt!

This country must go forward to a future of American made products

made by Americans and built by Americans to last as long as our products

use to last by our elders/ancestors working in American Factories

building American products in our past manufacturing factories!

Does this make any sense to you America?

When this old warrior started working,

American products lasted 5, 6, 7 time as long as products coming into America.


our elders/ancestors product cost less and the parts were readily available in America,

made by Americans!

I understand that those days are long gone

for a number of reasons known to you and me.

We can still make modern products using modern knowledge


American knowhow, can we agree with this?

The biggest ‘Road Block’ as we know is

 our government personal and their greed!

We must now start cleaning house using personal, understanding that they are our ‘employees’,

we are their ‘employer’s paying them to work ‘for America’,

not their ‘pockets’!

In November 2020 America has a choice,

we can elect people,

hell bent on a future designed from our past

(the 1910/1920’s)!


We can elect people that are willing to take America forward while remembering our past history.

The choice belongs to American Voters not hacking from those other countries!