Friday, December 20, 2019

Senator Lindsey of poor South Carolina

Senator Lindsey has been in control of S. Carolinas economy since 2003 
and yet it is still at the bottom of the rich states!
Population 4,893,444
Median Income $48,781
Lindsey Olin Graham is an American politician, affiliated to the Republican Party,
who serves as the senior United States Senator from South Carolina,
a seat he has held since 2003.
South Carolina is still number (7th), poorest of the poor states!
Population 4,893,444
Median Income $48,781
Since 2019, he has been the Chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary.
South Carolina (7), population 4,893,444
Median Income $48,781
For most of the past three decades, as its traditional base in textile manufacturing fled to Mexico, China and other low-wage havens, the 4.6-million-person state staked its hopes on attracting major employers like BMW and Boeing, offering tax breaks, job training subsidies and cheap labor. But that has only helped isolated pockets of the state, regional economists say.
Meanwhile, outsiders are gobbling up its homegrown firms. “We’ve become a branch plant economy,” said Douglas Woodward, an economics professor at the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. “Our graduates have to go elsewhere to find work because we don’t have a lot of locally-based companies with strong national and international markets.”

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