Monday, April 22, 2019

President Obama’s (Hope & Change Presidency)

Mitch McConnell's job was to make it
His Top Priority to Limit Barack Obama to One Term
Superficial Speaker of the House Paul Ryan!
became filthy rich during this time on your tax money!

Vice President Joe Biden worked for eight years
President Barrack Obama on 
positive change 
from our past disaster after!
President Bill Clinton.
And before that 
President Jimmy Carter, 
who by the way is alive 
at 95 and
working for you and your country

A president without the help of enough 
'good people in congress' 
can do very little 
for you and the country!
According to the United States of America constitution
Our government 
was to be our 
three equel branches 
Governing people!

Hope that this is not too hard for so many in today's government to read?
Because of this
“Crooked Government”
this country is stuck with
(crooked trump), 
crooked senate 
and a 
stacked crooked supreme court!
Let’s not take a chance with un-tried youth that will be up against so many crooked people in our government and in other countries?
The Republican party tried this with 
the (Tea Party),
and look at how that worked for the country?
We need someone that can work with
‘We the People to rid this country of corruption'!
(Joe Biden), 
is not the best 
but he will do 
unless we elect 
Madam President Hillary R. Clinton!

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