Donald trump does not hate the “LGBTTTQQIAA”
African Americans, blacks, browns or Reds communities!
Tell me if you can, what human would trump turn
down a donation from to help build his ‘Empire’?
trump is not your average ‘simpleton’ he has used anyone, anything breathing or not breathing for years just to make money,
father (Frederick Christ (Fred) trump), grandfather (Frederick trump), like son
Well Hells, Bells, trump is a christ after all?
Elizabeth Christ Trump - Wikipedia
The trump republicans (the half breed simpletons), are so stupid that they do not even realize that each is being used!
The trump family has been users since before the
arrival to this land!
Trump travelled to the Yukon Territory and
made his fortune by operating a restaurant and a brothel for miners in
the boomtown of Whitehorse.
trump then returned to Bavaria and married Elisabeth Christ,
the daughter of a former neighbor.
As he had immigrated to America in order to
evade conscription,
the Bavarian Government stripped trump of his citizenship and permanently
banished him following an investigation.
As a result, trump and his family returned to the
United States.
Donald John trump was born on June 14, 1946,
in New York City.
Frederick Christ (Fred) trump was born on
October 11, 1905, in New York City.
He died on June 25, 1999, in New Hyde Park, New
Frederick (Fred) trump was born on March 14, 1869,
in Kallstadt, Germany. Frederick Trump -