Tuesday, September 14, 2021

mother’s daughter is sick with a major condition


May be true may be faults don’t know

 A mother’s daughter is sick with a major condition going around so mother calls their doctor.

Her doctor tells the mother that the office is filled with people with the came condition will not be able to see her daughter until later in the afternoon and gives her a prescription to get the girl through until the afternoon.

So the mother tucks the daughter in bed and heads to the drug store, on the way out of the store she forgot her keys still in the ignition.

Mother gets on her cell phone to let her daughter know the problem and that she might be late, the daughter tells her mother to go get a wire coat hanger and open up the door through the window.

Mother gets the coat hanger and stands by the car not knowing what to do next so she prays for god’s help.

As soon as the prayer is finished a car pulls up and a man gets out of the passenger’s seat while the car drives away.

This man has old grubby clothing, long hair and looks as if he had no bath for some time she thinks that might be a poor homeless person, as the man passes she asks if he could help?

What’s the problem he said?

So she tells him the whole story.

Where is your car he asks and she shows him and the keys still dangling in the ignition so he opens the door in a flash with the wire coat hander gives her the hanger.

With sobbing and in shock she gives him a good bear hug.

As he walks away she said; sir you must be such a good kind Christian person and thanked him again.

The man said lady I am not so good, not such a Christian and not so kind, I just got out of prison today as he walked away!

The mothers dropped to her knees in pray because god not only sent her help, god sent her an expert!

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