Friday, September 10, 2021

Afghanistan is the most powerful country in the world.




What if Afghanistan was the most powerful country in the world on September 11th 2001 and the Unites States was a 3rd world country encouraging terrorists to attack?


First remember President W. Bush first attacked Iraq to finish the job that his father

 (President H. W. Bush) and his generals did not finish?



How many of our military paid for that battle?


And then President Bush attacked Afghanistan!


How many of my followers actually believe that the Afghanistan Taliban government would only seek out Osama bin Laden in America and spend 20 years building up the Afghanistan military to fight against Al-Qaida?


What if Osama bin Laden in America and China was the most powerful country in the world on September 11th 2001 and the Unites States was a 3rd world country encouraging terrorists to attack?


How many of my followers actually believe that the Chinese government would only seek out Osama bin Laden in America and spend 20 years building up the American military to fight against Al-Qaida?


What if Osama bin Laden in America and Russia was the most powerful country in the world on September 11th 2001 and the Unites States was a 3rd world country encouraging terrorists to attack?

How many of my followers actually believe that the Russian government would only seek out Osama bin Laden in America and spend 20 years building up the American military to fight against Al-Qaida?

What if Osama bin Laden in America and North Korea was the most powerful country in the world on September 11th 2001 and the Unites States was a 3rd world country encouraging terrorists to attack?


How many of my followers actually believe that the North Koran government would only seek out Osama bin Laden in America and spend 20 years building up the American military to fight against Al-Qaida?

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