Wednesday, September 15, 2021

No human believes in any lie, no human!

 How believing the Big Lie has become central to being a Republican

 I say;

 I must admit that it took me most of the 1st grade to get addition, subtraction multiplication and division down deep into my brain come to find out that there are still thousands of adults that seem to have missed the cutoff point?




In the psychology of human behavior, Denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth.

Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event, when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.



Almost 6 in 10 (59%) of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said that "believing that Donald Trump won the 2020 election" was very or somewhat important to what being a Republican meant to them.


It is also a fact that if any Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said anything different this person would not get elected ever again11


What the poll makes clear, then, is that for a majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, believing the Big Lie is an important part of calling oneself a "Republican."


That’s very funny because I was always lead to believe that the citizens of the United States and the world was the central part of being in a government office and/or the voting public?



There's an interesting nugget buried in the new CNN national poll that shows just how much election Denialism has fused with what most people think it means to be a Republican.



In the psychology of human behavior, Denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event, when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality. Wikipedia



Somehow, the 2020 election was fraudulent and tump actually won, that belief is directly rebutted by widely accepted facts about the 2020 election -- most notably that there is ZERO evidence of widespread voter fraud.


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

mother’s daughter is sick with a major condition


May be true may be faults don’t know

 A mother’s daughter is sick with a major condition going around so mother calls their doctor.

Her doctor tells the mother that the office is filled with people with the came condition will not be able to see her daughter until later in the afternoon and gives her a prescription to get the girl through until the afternoon.

So the mother tucks the daughter in bed and heads to the drug store, on the way out of the store she forgot her keys still in the ignition.

Mother gets on her cell phone to let her daughter know the problem and that she might be late, the daughter tells her mother to go get a wire coat hanger and open up the door through the window.

Mother gets the coat hanger and stands by the car not knowing what to do next so she prays for god’s help.

As soon as the prayer is finished a car pulls up and a man gets out of the passenger’s seat while the car drives away.

This man has old grubby clothing, long hair and looks as if he had no bath for some time she thinks that might be a poor homeless person, as the man passes she asks if he could help?

What’s the problem he said?

So she tells him the whole story.

Where is your car he asks and she shows him and the keys still dangling in the ignition so he opens the door in a flash with the wire coat hander gives her the hanger.

With sobbing and in shock she gives him a good bear hug.

As he walks away she said; sir you must be such a good kind Christian person and thanked him again.

The man said lady I am not so good, not such a Christian and not so kind, I just got out of prison today as he walked away!

The mothers dropped to her knees in pray because god not only sent her help, god sent her an expert!

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Yes we should still be dying in the Far East?


We knew about the Taliban, Osama bin Laden and the Al-Qaida terrorist for many years before September 11th 2001 but no one believes that this country could be attack from in country!


September 11th 2001


January 6th 2021 just 20 years later

We now know that it is possible!


Today with this knowledge we can now use the full force of our military at home protecting you and me from ‘Home Grown Enemies of your constitution and way of life’.


We knew about the Taliban, Osama bin Laden and the Al-Qaida terrorist for many years before

 September 11th 2001 so why did we go to war with Iraq?


Let’s blame the only president

loving you, me, your country and our military,

enough to end this never ending civil war in another country

even with your threat of being a one term president!


President Bush makes case for war with Iraq, Sept. 4, 2002


Why did Bush go to war in Iraq? | Middle East | Al Jazeera

Bush doomed Afghanistan when he invaded Iraq; pro-war ...

Why Did George W. Bush Declare War on Iraq?

The real reasons Bush went to war | John Chapman | The ...

U.S. invades Afghanistan, Oct. 7, 2001 - POLITICO 

Afghanistan: George W. Bush’s First Disastrous War ...

Friday, September 10, 2021

Afghanistan is the most powerful country in the world.




What if Afghanistan was the most powerful country in the world on September 11th 2001 and the Unites States was a 3rd world country encouraging terrorists to attack?


First remember President W. Bush first attacked Iraq to finish the job that his father

 (President H. W. Bush) and his generals did not finish?



How many of our military paid for that battle?


And then President Bush attacked Afghanistan!


How many of my followers actually believe that the Afghanistan Taliban government would only seek out Osama bin Laden in America and spend 20 years building up the Afghanistan military to fight against Al-Qaida?


What if Osama bin Laden in America and China was the most powerful country in the world on September 11th 2001 and the Unites States was a 3rd world country encouraging terrorists to attack?


How many of my followers actually believe that the Chinese government would only seek out Osama bin Laden in America and spend 20 years building up the American military to fight against Al-Qaida?


What if Osama bin Laden in America and Russia was the most powerful country in the world on September 11th 2001 and the Unites States was a 3rd world country encouraging terrorists to attack?

How many of my followers actually believe that the Russian government would only seek out Osama bin Laden in America and spend 20 years building up the American military to fight against Al-Qaida?

What if Osama bin Laden in America and North Korea was the most powerful country in the world on September 11th 2001 and the Unites States was a 3rd world country encouraging terrorists to attack?


How many of my followers actually believe that the North Koran government would only seek out Osama bin Laden in America and spend 20 years building up the American military to fight against Al-Qaida?

Monday, September 6, 2021

One should not sue your governor!



Fla. averages 18,457 COVID cases per day as schools reconsider mask policies |

What are the deaths and hospitals to date from COVIN-19?

COVID-19 deaths straining some Florida hospital morgues


If you sued your politician while living in this ‘Free Country’ let’s say on the grounds of ‘greed and/or stupidly’ that politician knows that you must pay an attorney!


That politician also knows or is told by his ‘greedy attorney’ that your tax money pays the attorney fees to counter your attorney, thus you lose twice no matter the outcome of the case!


Even though you are 100% in the right by law that Politian will keep you in court after court until you are so broke that the Politian wins!


‘greed and/or stupidly’ you be the judge?


Florida coronavirus cases and deaths | USAFacts


In a war and this country is in a war with an intelligent virus, far superior to that politician, our military, both you and me, must obey your military leaders!


If not your military is bogged down in mass confusion!


Today the only difference while in this war is following your Politian!


Why are we still checking to see if (We you and/or I), have the virus?


Because if you or I have the virus it is too late to get the shot!


I did get both shots back in March and still wear a mask in public because trumpeters still do not!



What is this (Pro Act), and why the republicans fearing it becoming a law?


You will not be seeing this from me often my readers.

Senator Bernie Sanders is speaking for you my worker friends!

Washington Examiner

Democrats’ reconciliation bill denies employees choice in the workplace

James Sherk????????


Sherk is just another trump groupie!

Trumpism lives on in new thinktank - but critics say it's ...

The America First Policy Institute calls itself 'non-partisan' and a 'non-profit' but critics regard it as a cash cow for Trump alumni with stained reputations Larry Kudlow!




 What is this horrible Pro Act?


(The PRO Act includes provisions that make it easier for labor unions to organize private-sector workers and harder for employees to leave a union)?


The truth is Mr. Sherk,

that for almost 75 years union membership has fallen significantly over the past generation

not because unions have not been able to organize enough workers to replace members

but because from the 1970’s (Congress Business Politicians have been

 'watering down the union workers rights’!

 Trumpism lives on in new thinktank - but critics say it's ...

The America First Policy Institute calls itself 'non-partisan' and a 'non-profit' but critics regard it as a cash cow for Trump alumni with stained reputations Larry Kudlow!

James Sherk is the director of the Center for American Freedom at the America First Policy Institute.


In other words my friends (Big Business)!


He previously served as a special assistant to the president in the Domestic Policy Council at the White House during the Trump administration.


 Sen. Bernie Sanders has committed to including the PRO Act in the reconciliation bill. One of the PRO Act’s provisions would eliminate a safeguard that protects workers’ agency: the federal ban on secondary boycotts and strikes.

You mean protects the rich from 'Union Rights'?

there lies the rub right Mr. Sherk?

Democrats’ reconciliation bill denies employees choice in the workplace (


So; who is the one doing the work for you the middle-class and the poor workers in the country?

You are not going to hear this often on any of my blogs or websites my friends!

Senator Bernie Sanders is speaking for you my friends!


The Washington Examiner and their republican friends are speaking for (Big Business) and their pocketbooks!

The truth is that for almost 75 years union membership has fallen significantly over the past generation

not because unions have not been able to organize enough workers to replace members because from the 1970’s congress politicians have been watering down the union workers rights!




Richard M. Nixon

Pat Nixon

Spiro T. Agnew


Richard M. Nixon

Pat Nixon

Gerald R. Ford


Gerald R. Ford

Betty Ford

Nelson Rockefeller


Jimmy Carter

Rosalynn Carter

Walter F. Mondale


Ronald Reagan

Nancy Reagan

George Bush


George Bush

Barbara Bush

Dan Quayle


Bill Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Albert Gore


George W. Bush

Laura Bush

Richard Cheney


Barack Obama

Michelle Obama

Joseph R. Biden


Donald J. Trump

Melania Trump

Mike Pence


Joseph R. Biden

Jill Biden

Kamala Harris