After this
days comic news about a comedian what might be lacking in the #MeToo movement?
every female with a social media site like for instance Face book, tweeter, word
press or Google and place a #Metoo sign on it?
Every male
that loves a female should do the same?
Why is #MeToo
trending on Twitter? – The Us Posts
Because of
the way that the rich can buy back a life; females are caught between a rock and a hard place with the police and the courts!
Learn More About Sexual Violence - me too. Movement
As a
father, grandfather, great-grandfather and boyfriend might I make a suggestion?
What Is the #MeToo Movement? -
Verywell Mind
Forget not
reporting for whatever your reason and dial 911 ASAP!
By all
means go to the hospital by an ambulance, police or rescue wagon only!
Do not drive
yourself or have a friend drive you because an ambulance chaser will use that
against you in court and yes by all means go to court again ASAP!
Next; get
in touch with a member of the #MeToo movement while you are dialing to your own
ambulance chaser!