Friday, September 11, 2020

‘War Time Dropout Coward Flag’!


Want to buy a (Bone Spurs military dropout flag), for ‘Remembrance Day’?

This is disgusting, selling flags of a ‘Bone Spurs military dropout’ on Patriots day!

This country (The United States of America), was bombed using our own plane, military and civilians lost their families, friends, and many even lost their lives!

This morning while looking for a good site to remember a day ‘our enemy’s’ attacked our country the last thing I ever expected to find was a ‘Veterans site’ selling the flags of a military dropout!,Day%20will%20be%20on%20Friday%2C%20September%2011th%2C%202020.

It is one thing seeing (fake christians), 

dropping to their knees to this ‘Anything but a follower of  the 'First Christian),

‘Our Lord Jesus Christ’!

Now I find what ‘one can only guess to be a brother or sister of my military’ dropping to their knees to 

a ‘War Time Dropout Coward’!

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