Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Republicans protesting impeachment?

Impeachment and the 'Old Republican Party'?
I do see the
'New (Yes Master), trump party'!

I am so confused, I have not seen a single republican (GOP), in the news since seeing or hearing from Senator Mitt Romney?

Where are the Senator John McCain’s, President George H.W. Bush, President Ronald Reagan’s, 
‘Honest Republican Members’ hiding’ in this critical hour for their country?

I have seen many ‘Yes Sir’s’ trump party groupies, doing their ‘masters bidding’, to no avail I might add.

The 65 and older voting citizens are flocking from you, along with the old republican diehards because of your constant destruction of their country!

Senator Lindsey Graham said;

"Who cares what this wishy-washy political no mind said, 
because he will be changing his ‘mind’ at any minute"!


Republican Rep. Jim Jordan is just a clone of the trump party ‘yes master!

I know that I am going to regret this, 
"Meagan McCain is right, 
'her old guarding of this country' are hiding some place and need to be

'Speaking Out' against the onslaught from those 'Yes Master' clones"!

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