Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The voters will focus on the economy."

Poll seekers say that the Economy is doing better???
What fool is telling you that the economy is good???
Focus on this if you will?
Households are working more than one job,
few have a descent pay with little to no benefits
people not working are living in
the woods, park benches, and sidewalks and in vehicles
with no money to get to jobs!
Americans are doing low wages work not by immigrants
now in trumps jails for little to no pay!
Ending our overseas wars???
Had anyone noticed that we are as of today, back in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq?
Remember the good old days in the United States
when each household had at least one good job
with benefits, low taxes, and low mill rate on your home
and the country made great products in country from real jobs
not cheap fast food wages with no benefits?
The Dow Jones and all of the stock markets
have little to nothing to do with the majority of the country’s household!
The Stock Market is to make the rich, richer, period!
What fool is telling you that the economy is good???

Like my neighbor, a trump republican, said;
“I like trump because I have a job”!
Neighbor had a great job with benefits 
when he moved in next to me 10 years ago
 and still has a great job.
Let’s see, who was his president 10 years ago?
President Barack Obama!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Welcome to Anonymous from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
“No defense for this hoax /witch hunt”
Sunday, December 29, 2019

One would think that if you are going to court
for whatever the reason,
one should know if your attorney is
(Defending or Prosecuting you)?
If you are a ‘Government Official’
with the knowledge needed
(A Must), 
this should be mandatory?
(Dump Ass), does not know the difference!

Dayton, Ohio

Welcome to Dayton, Ohio

“No defense for this hoax /witch hunt” 
Sunday, December 29, 2019
One would think that if you are going to court 
for whatever the reason, 
one should know if your attorney is 
(Defending or Prosecuting you)?
If you are a ‘Government Official’ with the knowledge needed 
(A Must), 
this should be mandatory?
(Dump Ass), 
does not know the difference!

Sunday, December 29, 2019

“No defense for this hoax /witch hunt”

Hay Donald, thanks for the info, because (you), are the ‘Defendant’ and (Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives), is the (“managers,” the prosecuting attorney)!

First time I must admit, (I agree with trump) 
“That hurt coming out of my mouth”!

Your president trump keeps on saying,
There is ‘no defense’ for this ridicules hoax to this witch hunt”!

Yes! There is no defense because you are guilty as charged!




Guilty As Charger!

"We had a very good day today," pres. trump says following the #MuellerHearings. 
"There is no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt that's been going on for a long time."

"We had a very good day today," trump says following the #MuellerHearings. "There is no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt that's been going on for a long time." http://abcn.ws/2XWIELc

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Demand the right of any prosecuting Attorney!

Why is it O.K. for Nancy Pelosi and the House of Representatives

to demand witnesses and the right of any prosecuting Attorney

 in any court of law?

Bills for the benefit of you
your country

that Mitch McConnell and trump

refuse to bring to the floor of the Senate

for a vote!
Of the 383 bills that have been passed by the House,
82% are still bottled up in the Senate.
This list does not include House resolutions. 
If you click here, you can see bills and resolutions that have passed the House
the Senate and become law, bills that have passed the House and the Senate
and are awaiting action by the White House,
and bills that have passed the House and are awaiting action in the Senate.
Examples of Bipartisan House Bills Stalled in the Senate Include:

H.R.5, Equality Act

H.R.6, The American Dream and Promise Act

H.R.7, Paycheck Fairness Act

H.R.8, Bipartisan Background Checks Act

H.R.9, Climate Action Now Act

H.R.987, Protecting People With Pre-Existing Conditions/Lowering Drug Costs

H.R.582, Raise The Wage Act

H.R.397, Rehabilitation For Multiemployer Pensions Act (The Butch Lewis Act)

H.R.1585, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act

H.R.1644, Save The Internet Act

H.R 2722, Securing America’s Federal Elections (SAFE) Act

H.R.2513, The Corporate Transparency Act

H.R.1112, Enhanced Background Checks

H.R.1994, Secure Act/Gold Star Family Tax Relief Act

H.R.205, 1146, 1941 – Banning Offshore Drilling on Atlantic, Pacific, Eastern Gulf & ANWR Coasts

H.R.1423, Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act

More than 30 bills to support veterans

Other Examples of Bills Stalled in the Senate that Democrats Support:

H.R.1, For The People Act

H.R.4617, Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy (SHIELD) Act

H.R.1500, Consumers First Act

The first 283 are “bipartisan.” The final 32 were supported by Democrats only.

H.R. 1759: BRIDGE for Workers Act (167 Republican Votes)

H.R. 5: Equality Act (8 R Votes)

Passed with Democratic votes only: