You have had 4 years of trump, you tell
How many of those 12 senator and 140
House Republicans honestly believe that Mr. trump gives a dam about them or
anyone other than himself?
trump must trust his followers as much as
I trust him!
versus the truth: The most outrageous falsehoods of his presidency
Check the history of countries like Russia,
China, North Korea, Cuba, African countries, south American Countries.
trump will do the same if he gets into
power again!
Most of the ‘country leaders in history’
killed all of their family, neighbors and friends; it is call greed and lack of
trump the king of greed and lack of heart
and soul!
4 years of trump | Shechaim's News of the Day (
Kings, Pharaohs, Roman Caesars, socialist
and communist leaders cannot trust anyone to not act as they do!