Wednesday, January 8, 2020

 What is a (trump republican)?

What is a (trump republican) and why is it not in Capital Letters?

I lived 70% of my life around women that are now

rolling over in their graves

seeing these modern women lusting after the likes of those human pig!

I just posted a good example of the definition of a trump republican.

I started the name because it fits anyone that is trying to send the

United States back to the time of the Apostles like

Peter and Paul around 60 62 AD.

Only with a slight twist (White’s only),

Women beware!

People in the world of the Roman Empire were not (Lily Whites)!

defines lily white as

“A description of a person, object, or organization that
rejects any culture other than a white, middle American one.
It's often accompanied by informal segregation through the use of
rules or social conventions meant to exclude or discourage minorities from joining”.

If you are a ‘Female’ living in the ‘United States of America’ (the world for that matter)

and are voting for trump and any trump republican, shame on you!

In 2018 we got rid of one of the biggest in Paul Ryan!

No really, think about it, he, the guy in the White house, brags about being a

(greedy, selfish, bully, womanizing, Nazi loving, chauvinistic pig),
with his
(Nazi Gestapo type clan), on their knees to his every wish.
and those are his/their good points!

We should be working on the next Paul Ryan as in 
(Mitch McConnell),

he is taking millions from communist countries

( countries that hate this country and want to destroy us),

and giving nothing to his citizen,

while keeping America back from our progressive living!

I lived 70% of my life around women that are now
rolling over in their graves

seeing these modern women 
lusting after 

The title today is Wife’s, be in subjection to your husband?

O.K. women, before you gang up and lynch me,
Men, please always remember, while reading into the bible,
read the entire bible, before not after you make a fool of yourself?

How many times have you heard 
a 'Bully' say,

How many times have you heard back

('Bite Me')!

Peter (the Rock), is talking to Christian both Jew and Gentle slaves

carried away to the enemy countries.

Paul is talking to new Jew coverts living in a pagan world, something like what Christians

(True Christians not trump puppets), are living in today!

Peter and Paul 
are talking to

‘Christian Women’ 
(True Christian Women),

with non-Christian husbands, to help them understand Jesus Christ!


Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands

so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over

without words by the behavior of their wives.

And Paul

Again people, remember the times that they were living in, men had to go out to 'very hard labor' to support the family?


Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the LORD.


For the husband is the head of the wife (house), as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.


Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything


Any male human, not a man, a male human

so stupid as to not know what their God is speaking about

need a lot of knee bending to your God and your Wife in Prayer!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Visalia, California

Welcome to Visalia, California
“Go ahead take my guns”!
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Who is it that is going to take Meghan’s guns?
(Former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke)?
I stated this once and will state it again,
Meghan McCain is constantly stating, 
“Go ahead take my guns”!

Meghan, if this country’s first responders or the military, wanted to take your guns, they will take your guns!

However Meghan, you and your political party keep getting it wrong!

The only people that have wanted to take your guns or anyone else’s for that matter, is the crooked, sleazy bags, too lazy to work for their money, at no time in the last 30 years has anyone been trying to take good honest citizens of this country weapons, No Body!

People like Meghan McCain are so set in their ways, thickheaded, block minded and childish, notice that I avoided words like ‘Stupid’, saying take someone’s guns.

In 78 years on earth I can remember only person (Former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke) other than trump and trump republicans saying anything about taking someone’s guns!


This was because of another mass shooting of unarmed citizens in his state by ‘White Supremacist’, ‘Nazi Loving’, ‘trump republican’ ‘’ that everyone with a brain knows should never have a weapon!

(Again my friends)

If you get you weapons stolen because you were too lazy to lock them up, if you are a seller of weapons and your inventory in stolen, you do not deserve to own or sell weapons!

If you do not like that statement, 
lock up your weapons!

Monday, January 6, 2020

What is the Electoral College?

What is the Electoral College?
It is not 1776 anymore people!
1787 Article II, Section 1, Clause 3
1804 Greedy Politicians article!
It Is 

2020 and way past time for real concerned citizens of the
United States of America to take back our country from
the socialist/communist form of government!
The antiquated Article (1787), was put in place by ‘Rich Businessman
(True Story read your history),
because at the time they assumed that the common people were
too stupid to think about the rights of those same stupid people!
This was replaced in 1804
because of the fear that the
Citizens of the United States are not ‘Stupid’!

the rich wanted to be sure that the rich stayed rich
on the backs of the poor and middle-class!
So, how’s that been working for the poor and middle-class’?
How’s that working out for, the rich in this country?
Think about this my voting American’s!

(The Iranian government is wrong)

Wars are 'Hell on Earth'!

The Iranian government is wrong, the majority of the ‘American Citizens’, as proven by the 2016 election, do not want to go to war!
What is and where is this collage (Electoral College), by the way?
If you believe that killing innocent people 
around the world will punish our 
‘Greedy, Rich, American, Government’, 
I am wasting my time writing this post!
Your foolish moves are just feeding the pockets of our 
‘Greedy Rich Politicians in this government 
with their right to just make more wars, 
for more money in their greedy rich pockets!
The ‘trump republican rich people’ 
want to go to war in order to make money 
off of the poor dead and maimed soldiers and citizens 
on both sides, from ‘their wars’!

The ‘Majority of American Citizens’ 
did not even know, 
let alone vote to go to war with you!
You are fighting the wrong people, 
please fight with your real enemies of this war,
 the ‘Minority of citizens’ that ‘stole the 2016 election’
 just to be able to make their money off of wars?
Votes from the American Citizens!
Votes by the 'Crooked Republican Controlled, 

so called, Electoral College!
What is and where is this collage by the way?
We the true Citizens of America 
voted for
 ‘a president that 
cares about people over money’!

In 2018 America 
took back the House of Representatives 
with real concerned citizens.
In 2020 America 
is planning to take back our government, 
‘For the people, by the People’!

Abraham Lincoln Speech :

The Gettysburg Address Washington – 19 November 1863

At only 246 words long the Gettysburg address

is one of the shortest speeches that we have featured.

The most famous part of the speech is the

“government of the people – by the people – for the people”.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Thank God Hillary Clinton is not in our White house,

Thank God Hillary Clinton is not in our White house, how boring to be

watching and reading the media since 2016,telling us about

everything she has been doing for the betterment of the country and the world!

Real jobs, lower taxes, the rich paying their fear share, both parties working across the isle

to make America really Great!

Better roads, highways, bridges, drinking water fresh air, fresh water, far less pollution

and all of our friends still speaking and working with us!

How boring!

Our enemies know that a real president not a Russian Puppet

is watching, working with them and keeping them all honest!

How Boring!

American troops back into the 'Middle East'

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The voters will focus on the economy."

Poll seekers say that the Economy is doing better???
What fool is telling you that the economy is good???
Focus on this if you will?
Households are working more than one job,
few have a descent pay with little to no benefits
people not working are living in
the woods, park benches, and sidewalks and in vehicles
with no money to get to jobs!
Americans are doing low wages work not by immigrants
now in trumps jails for little to no pay!
Ending our overseas wars???
Had anyone noticed that we are as of today, back in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq?
Remember the good old days in the United States
when each household had at least one good job
with benefits, low taxes, and low mill rate on your home
and the country made great products in country from real jobs
not cheap fast food wages with no benefits?
The Dow Jones and all of the stock markets
have little to nothing to do with the majority of the country’s household!
The Stock Market is to make the rich, richer, period!
What fool is telling you that the economy is good???

Like my neighbor, a trump republican, said;
“I like trump because I have a job”!
Neighbor had a great job with benefits 
when he moved in next to me 10 years ago
 and still has a great job.
Let’s see, who was his president 10 years ago?
President Barack Obama!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Welcome to Anonymous from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
“No defense for this hoax /witch hunt”
Sunday, December 29, 2019

One would think that if you are going to court
for whatever the reason,
one should know if your attorney is
(Defending or Prosecuting you)?
If you are a ‘Government Official’
with the knowledge needed
(A Must), 
this should be mandatory?
(Dump Ass), does not know the difference!

Dayton, Ohio

Welcome to Dayton, Ohio

“No defense for this hoax /witch hunt” 
Sunday, December 29, 2019
One would think that if you are going to court 
for whatever the reason, 
one should know if your attorney is 
(Defending or Prosecuting you)?
If you are a ‘Government Official’ with the knowledge needed 
(A Must), 
this should be mandatory?
(Dump Ass), 
does not know the difference!

Sunday, December 29, 2019

“No defense for this hoax /witch hunt”

Hay Donald, thanks for the info, because (you), are the ‘Defendant’ and (Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives), is the (“managers,” the prosecuting attorney)!

First time I must admit, (I agree with trump) 
“That hurt coming out of my mouth”!

Your president trump keeps on saying,
There is ‘no defense’ for this ridicules hoax to this witch hunt”!

Yes! There is no defense because you are guilty as charged!




Guilty As Charger!

"We had a very good day today," pres. trump says following the #MuellerHearings. 
"There is no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt that's been going on for a long time."

"We had a very good day today," trump says following the #MuellerHearings. "There is no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt that's been going on for a long time."