Hay Donald, thanks
for the info, because (you), are the ‘Defendant’ and (Nancy Pelosi’s
House of Representatives), is the (“managers,” the prosecuting attorney)!
First time I must
admit, (I agree with trump)
“That hurt coming
out of my mouth”!
Your president trump
keeps on saying,
“There is ‘no
defense’ for this ridicules hoax to this witch hunt”!
Yes! There is no
defense because you are guilty as charged!
Guilty As Charger!
"We had a very
good day today," pres. trump says following the #MuellerHearings.
"There is no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt that's been
going on for a long time."
"We had a very
good day today," trump says following the #MuellerHearings.
"There is no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt that's been
going on for a long time." http://abcn.ws/2XWIELc