Saturday, March 23, 2019

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, violated federal records law

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, violated federal records law
"Lock Them Up! Lock Them Up!
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, 
violated federal records law
"Lock Them Up! Lock Them Up!
The trump family is using their computes 
exactly like Hillary Clinton was 
as the 67th United States Secretary of State 
she was brutally harassed!

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, 
violated federal records law
"Lock Them Up! Lock Them Up!
The trump family is using their computes exactly like Hillary Clinton was as 'as the 67th United States Secretary of State and she was brutally harassed every day for two years, and yesterday trumps goons shouted once again to lock her up?
every day for two years, and yesterday trumps goons shouted once again to lock her up?

Special counsel Robert Mueller has completed his investigation

Special counsel Robert Mueller has completed his investigation into Russian interference into the 2016 election
Robert Mueller had
‘a right to look anywhere and everywhere 
for crimes against the country and her citizens’?
His bosses in the Washington 
restricted him to a very narrow crooked path, 
while placing ‘Land-Mines in that part!
That’s like selling ‘a swimmer the Pacific Ocean to swim in’ 
then only allowing the swimmer a small polluted stream, 
while all the time that the swimmer is swimming 
throwing polluted garbage at the swimmer!
Read Attorney General Barr's letter to Congress 
announcing end of Mueller's Russia probe
USA TODAY March 22, 2019

Saturday, March 16, 2019

New Zealand Shooting, my two cents

The ‘Christchurch City shooting’ was not a 'Jew Shooting Worshiping Muslims' in a Mosque!


It was not a 'Muslim shooting Jews' Worshiping in a Synagogue.

This was a
‘trump groupie typology'!

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar is a 'rookie' 
and needs to 
find her place 
while also 
pushing the reason she was elected!

This is called ‘Balancing acts’ so there is no place in the U.S. House Representative for racism!

'Her God Knows', 
that there is more than enough in congress already!

This was a

‘White Nationalist Fascist from Australia’ Worshiper of the 'trump regime' now in the 'White house'

pure and simple !

Shooting unarmed, children, women and men, worshiping together

just to protest the fighting over our, 
of all things, 
2nd amendment violence in the USA?

That’s why I am telling you that he/they see the violence encouraged by trump to his groupies!

New Zealand Shooting Live Updates:
Attack on Christchurch Mosques Leaves 49 Dead

Friday, March 15, 2019

Welcome Nurnberg, Bayern, Germany

Welcome Nurnberg, Bayern, Germany
Welcome to the visitor or visitors from Nurnberg, Bayern, Germany
6 visits
I hope that you are finding what it is that you are looking for?
If not please consider checking out some of our other sites?
Taw-but-ni (Thank-you).
 is good however;
so are non-casino Native American Tribes west of the Mississippi river
(Non-Recognized by our government)!
Many of us are like the
"Creators wishes over promotion of vice".
"Creator gives to you freely".
"One should never take advantage of this"?

Friday, March 8, 2019

Robert Sylvester Kelly

William Shakespeare
"Me thinks he doth protest too much."
Show me the Money!
Al Capone played your game and the feds got him!
Robert Sylvester Kelly a 
Former Basketball player, 
and now 
a singer; 
rapper; actor; 
record producer
is saying that he is so poor 
that he cannot pay his child support.

Kelly owes the money for taxes dating back as far as 2005.
He paid 2.6 million dollars in back taxes in 2008 and another one million dollars last year, but the records show he still owes the federal government more than 4.8 million dollars.
R Kelly reportedly owes millions of dollars in unpaid taxes to the Internal Revenue.
I will be believing this 

Monday, March 4, 2019

Welcome Los Angeles, California

Welcome Los Angeles, California


Our main website at
Visitors from everywhere are always welcome and we love California, So I hope that you enjoy your visits and remember, if you have question we have answers, even if the answer is I do not know let’s go find the answer?
We also have our ‘Gravatar site'.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Crying Rocks In Taftville, Connecticut

Welcome to our visitor from Taftville, Connecticut
To our main website at
Hope that you found what you were looking for?
Back in 1956/57 while traveling through the construction site with my father
(Shechaim Ziek), 
to visit a gathering of our people.
Podunk/Maïngan tribes.
A few others 
that were forced off of their land north of our people?

At the time there was only 
one way in and out of our village
I was shocked to hear over the racket.

“The Rocks Are Crying"!
When my father shouts,
 people listen in silence!
I have written about this in two school reports 
twice on websites.
Back in the late 1950’s 
Connecticut took land from our people 
(Eminent domain), 
to widen Rough #52 
Now called #395!
Our ancestor often use this phrase 
when the ‘Euro-Americans’ bull-dosed our hills and mountains!
Mother Earth is our
 ‘Sacred Mother’ 
put in place by 
to care for the people 
 this is the thanks she gets!
“The Rocks Are Crying In Pain”!
Isn't it funny that
I can no longer find 
a construction site 
of the digging and blasting
 in and around Taftville


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ever try to find a needle in a hay stack?

 We all know about the "TRICK-PLAYES" on the Football field?
Now you well know about the "TRICK-PLAYES" in the Business Field
Finding the truth about any billionaire is,
 for the most part, 
harder than that haystack!
Need to know about Robert Kraft?
I have been writing about this guy for over 30 years!
Interesting that any billionaire 
that has made his/her money 
off of the backs of his/her employees
 is selling or about to sell all of his/her factories 
because the state will not deal the tax amount that he/her wants
his/her employees make too much money!
Kraft paper mill Montville ct.
Is taking his paper mill to 
Japan, Brazil and North Carolina, 
so what does that say about 
the politicians in North Carolina?
Rand-Whitney Containerboard LP owns and operates linerboard paper mills. 
The company was founded in 1993 and is based in Montville, Connecticut. 
Rand-Whitney Containerboard LP operates as a subsidiary of Kraft Group, LLC.
First he polluted a river that my family spent years repairing 
(The Fox river)
 that use to run from 
the Cauchegan rock village 
through Mountville, Uncasville and into the Pequot 
river down to ‘Long Island sound’
 to the ocean.
Then he had Connecticut make ready a new stadium for his NFL team 
only to find out that he was using Connecticut 
to get Massachusetts to re-build Gillette Stadium.
Ask anyone in southeastern Connecticut
 about the polluted Fox and Thames (Pequot) rivers
 from his
‘Paper Mills’?

trump says 
Robert Kraft 
to open a new paper factory
 in North Carolina

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Creation or Evolution

Creation or Evolution
It takes two to tango.
You think that it is hard to believe in God?
Try this on for size?
We started from the ocean or a rock?
If from a rock there must have been another rock or two things in the rock?
If from the ocean, there must have been two things in the ocean?
Where did these two things come from?

Some say we came from another planet and/or solar system?
Same thing, there must have been two from this planet or in those solar systems?
Where did they come from?

Black Hole.
What was on the other side of this Black Hole and two of them?
Some people believe the there was something back in time that started everything.
There could have been one something back in time that started our solar system?
Many people call this one thing God!


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Why Now? Women have been sexual harassed since forever!

Why Now? 
Women have been sexual harassed
 since forever!

( What ever happened to
"Innocent until proven guilty")!

Is this only used for Republicans?
In this country from 1776 to 2019
Why Now?
Why is it that our news media, females, men and all of our citizens 
are not asking this very same question?
Could it be that the political cesspool in Washington
 is under attack by Political Women?
Why only Democrat Ralph Northam & Democrat Justin Fairfax?
Republicans in the cesspool, let me count the ways!

How many political men are accused of sex 2019?
Just since 2000 the number of Businessmen, Celebrities and politicians accuser of sexual harassment 
is astonishing to say the least!
The republican controlled congress has been quiet 
for most of those scandals, until now!
Why Now?
Democrat Justin Fairfax Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia
Democrat Ralph Northam the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia
List of federal political sex scandals in the United States
Scandals in America
Again I must ask
Why only Democrat Ralph Northam & Democrat Justin Fairfax?
At the very least they should be treated as you have been treating (the trump)!