trump republicans are holding up extremely important information for ‘President Biden’!
Now trump republicans are quickly selling
off America in the next 60 days!
Wouldn’t it have been nice to have been living
under Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican/ John Kennedy, Democrat/ Gerald Ford,
Republican/Jimmy Carter, Democrat/Bill Clinton, Democrat/Al Gore, Democrat/Hillary
Clinton, Democrat/Barrack Obama, Democrat/ Joe Biden Democrat?
Instead we were stuck with,
Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican/ John Kennedy,
Democratic/Lyndon B. Johnson, Democratic/Hubert Humphrey/Richard Nixon, Republican/Gerald
Ford, Republican/Jimmy Carter ,Democratic/Ronald Reagan/Republican/George H. W.
Bush/Republican/ Gerald Ford, Republican/Jimmy Carter ,Democratic/McDonald trump,
I was too young to vote for Eisenhower, I
did go around with some ‘tribal member ringing on door bells.
John Kennedy was a hero in and after the
war (his assassination) was for fear of
what he planned to do for you and your country!
Ford tried to clean up the mess from a
trick crook!
Jimmy Carter ‘the smartest president so
far in our history, is still alive and still working for you and your country!
Bill Clinton 2nd smartest
president so far.
Al Gore the real president cheated by a
republican judge and the republican controlled electro college.
Barrack Obama handcuffed by a crooked republican
congress controlled by ‘Moscow Mitch!
Hillary Clinton the real president
cheated by the trump controlled republican party and a crooked James Comey